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Autor: Michael Schrepfer

20.07.2021 | JavaEE |

Get the Current Transaction in Wildfly

Recently we had a problem with a broken transaction in an application running in Wildfly 20. javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: WFLYJPA0060: Transaction is required to perform this operation (either use a transaction or extended persistence context) We were not shure which line caused the exception,… mehr

10.12.2019 | JavaEE |

Stackoverflow in Tomcat 8.5.49 and 9.0.29

This week we set up a developoment environment on a new PC for a JavaEE project using Tomcat 8.5 (we downloaded the recently released version 8.5.49 to be specific). We started up the IDE, deployed the WAR on a Tomcat server and… mehr

20.11.2017 | JavaScript |

Aurelia – validation of dependent inputs

Form validation in Aurelia is actually pretty nice. You can configure the validation rules in a chainable api and add multiple rules to single fields. However there is a problem if you want to trigger the validation of an input when another… mehr