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Year: 2016

2016-11-01 | Angular |

Angular2 Internationalization (i18n)

When you build frontend interfaces for the web, you often have to provide support for different languages, locales and timezones (generally called internationalization or short i18n in computer science). With Angular2 you can use the module “ng2-translate” to provide browser language detection… more

2016-08-01 | Java |

WildFly 10 with Apache and AJP

This article demonstrates how inbound request from a webserver (Apache) can be proxied to an application server (WildFly 10) using the Apache JServ Protocol (AJP). For more information on what AJP actually is, take a look at . WildFly 10 Configuration First you have to add… more

2016-07-21 | General |

illucIT Software on Maven Central

We have decided now to publish our free Software package on Maven Central under the namespace “com.illucit“. This way the packages can be used by everyone without having to declare a separate repository in Maven or SBT. This software packages also contain… more

2016-06-28 | Angular |

Angular2 RC3 Router

Some days ago, the new Angular2 RC3 release candidate (and also some days earlies RC2) has been released. Again, some changes were made to the Angular2 structure that everyone needs to update in their Angular2 applications to become compatible to the new version…. more

2016-06-20 | Angular |

Angular2 with NPM and Webpack

This article demonstrates how to set up an Angular2 project with Webpack. The setup also supports Typescript, Less, CSS packages like Twitter Bootstrap and Fonts e.g. FontAwesome. It describes how to set up all the different plugins, loaders etc. I needed for… more

2016-06-13 | Angular |

Angular2 Date Pipe

In Angular2 you can use “pipes” (in earlier versions called “filters”) to adjust data bindings to given situations. Then name comes from the “pipe symbol” (|) that is also known from Unix/Linux command shells to manipulate data streams. In Angular 2, the… more

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2016-05-31 | Angular |

Basics of Reactive Events in Angular2

In this article I want to show how to use the “Reactive Events” library RxJS to handle asynchronous event processing in AngularJS2. In many Javascripts frameworks asynchronous events are handled by either providing a callback function to be called, or be retrieving… more

2016-05-23 | Docker |

Introduction to Docker

In the past we often had some software (e.g. web application inside an application  server) that needed to be deployed on multiple servers, different stages (development, staging, production) and even on some machines hosted by a customer, but managed by ourselves. To… more

2016-05-17 | Angular |

Angular2 Release Candidate 1 (RC1) Changes

This article summarizes a couple of changes I encountered during the migration of angular2 beta 17 to angular2 rc1. Angular2 Packages for RC1 Previously angular2 could be pulled in by npm using the following configuration entry in package.json

Now all packages… more